Creative Director of the Manuscript Academy and Accountability Coach. Valentina is a graduate of Georgia Southern University with a B.A. in Graphic Design and English.Dedicated to helping authors start writing and keep writing, she’s the one stop for all those publishing questions you don’t necessarily want to ask an agent. Topics include: building a platform, goal setting, pivoting after rejection, author career planning, etc. She is also available to look at queries and first pages.

Meet With Valentina
Meet face-to-face, from home. Choose Zoom, Google Meet, or phone, and speak for the appointed time about your query, first page, and/or first ten pages (for longer meetings). Does not include written notes, but is a chance to have an honest discussion about your work, and to ask follow-up questions. International meetings welcomed.
Coaching Packages

Three Months of Support
Month one:
• A live goal-setting call with Valentina
• Goal setting checklist
Month two:
• Check-ins via email
• A live follow-up consultation
Month three:
• A final debriefing and next steps meeting