We’re thrilled to bring you one-on-one meetings with agents and editors who can offer you personalized expertise.
All of our live meetings can be done via Skype, Hangouts, or phone.
New meetings are posted at the beginning of each month.Want an email when they go up? Click here.
You do not need to be a member to book meetings or written critiques. However, if you’re getting a meeting, you can add membership (ALL the classes, early booking, concierge service) for $20. Click to learn more.

Need help booking? Please select your meeting type, then your faculty member, your time zone, and the preferred date and time for your meeting. Fill out the form, insert your materials, and choose your payment method. You will receive an e-confirmation in a few minutes from Academy (at) ManuscriptWishList (dot) com. If you suddenly see a blank page, you may need to scroll up. You will be able to see a short bio for each faculty member before you book.