Welcome to another First Pages podcast! This week, our brave volunteer is Tamara Kahler. We talk with Tamara about pitching dark work just after a pandemic (and putting an emphasis on hope and agency), her submission strategy (you don’t have to send it to as many people as most recommend), and how she avoided the dreaded manuscript saggy middle (and a theory about how you reliably can, too).
We also talk about why most anticipate lists are okay but runaway bestsellers are not for comps, and other questions that (unfortunately) you can’t Google.
Check out our Facebook group (and try out your comps on them!) at ManuscriptAcademy.com/Facebook.
You can find our comps class at: manuscriptacademy.com/cracking-the-comp-title-code
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- Join our Facebook group! It’s full of supportive writers in the querying trenches–plus live page critiques, Q&A’s, and more.
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- Feeling brave? Submit your query or first page for a chance of feedback from our guests.
The Manuscript Academy Podcast is free for everyone, and features interviews with top agents, editors and authors on the craft, business, and community of publishing.
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