We are so excited for this episode! It’s truly a case of good things happening for good people. Sierra Godfrey is part of the team that built ManuscriptWishList.com, and now her very own book is coming out TODAY: A Very Typical Family.
We invited Sierra and her agent, Melissa Edwards, to talk about the long road here—and what both learned along the way.
We discuss agent squishiness (some are warm and fuzzy, and why both types have advantages), how to write conflict when you’re conflict-avoidant, how Sierra learned to ask the right questions when on The Call, and whether darker works can succeed in a “we want escapism” market.
You can get Sierra’s new book, A Very Typical Family, here: bookshop.org/books/a-very-typic…4967/9781728255200
Learn more about Sierra: www.sierragodfrey.com/
Learn more about Melissa and book a consultation: manuscriptacademy.com/melissa-edwards
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