Friends! We are so happy to have the amazing, warm, wise Rita Rosenkranz on our podcast. Not only is she a pillar of the industry, but she’s thoughtful, kind, and here to help YOU make the most of your publishing interactions.
We love hearing her reflections on publishing innovations, new challenges, sustaining friendships—and what it all means for YOUR work, now.
A well-established agent, who began her career as an editor at major publishing houses, Rita Rosenkranz represents almost exclusively adult non-fiction titles. Her wide-ranging list includes health, history, parenting, music, how-to, popular science, business, biography, sports, popular reference, cooking, writing, humor, spirituality, illustrated books and general interest titles. She represents first-time as well as seasoned authors, and looks for projects that present familiar subjects freshly or lesser-known subjects presented commercially. Rita works with major publishing houses, as well as regional publishers that handle niche markets.
Representative titles include A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even if You Flunked Algebra) by Barbara Oakley, Ph.D. (Tarcher); The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life by Julie Bogart (Tarcher); Pause. Breathe. Choose: Become the CEO of Your Well-Being by Naz Behesti (New World Library); My Beautiful Black Hair: 101 Natural Hair Stories from the Sisterhood by St. Clair Detrick-Jules (Chronicle Books), and; First Class Fatherhood by Alec Lace (HarperHorizon).
She is a member of the Association of American Literary Agents (AALA), The Authors Guild, and Women’s Media Group.
You can learn more about her here: www.ritarosenkranzliteraryagency.com/
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