Join us for a quick summer Q&A—with questions from our Facebook group!
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Just head to ManuscriptAcademy.com/Facebook.
In this episode, we talk about summer slowdown, editorial agents, when to write subsequent books in a series, and more.
Interested in our The Magic of the Sentence event with author Anne Elliott? View the FREE replay here: manuscriptacademy.com/magic-sentence
Featured On the Show:
- Join our Facebook group! It’s full of supportive writers in the querying trenches–plus live page critiques, Q&A’s, and more.
- Want more Manuscript Academy? We’re working on new, interactive formats for our podcasts and events. Subscribe for updates.
- Feeling brave? Submit your query or first page for a chance of feedback from our guests.
The Manuscript Academy Podcast is free for everyone, and features interviews with top agents, editors and authors on the craft, business, and community of publishing.
You can find us in the iTunes Store, on Soundcloud, and on Spotify.
The Manuscript Academy Podcast is published weekly. Subscribe to see all of our episodes first.