Holiday Novels, Food Writing, And Tips For Faster First Drafts

The Manuscript Academy Podcast

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We are so happy to welcome author Amy E. Reichert to the podcast! She has a number of beautiful novels (all featuring wonderful food writing), her latest being Once Upon a December, a holiday romance featuring a magical Christmas market, a steamy romance, andโ€”of courseโ€”gorgeous holiday treats.

We also talk about food writing and best how to make it work (what book isnโ€™t better with gorgeous food?), world building in (mostly) contemporary settings, and what special elements you need if you want your holiday work to be successful.

Amy E. Reichert, author of six novels, loves to write stories that end well with characters youโ€™d invite to dinner. A wife, mom, amateur chef, Fix-It Mistress, a volunteer baby snuggler, and cider enthusiast, she earned her MA in English Literature and serves on her libraryโ€™s board of directors. She’s a member of Tall Poppy Writers.

She is the author ofย The Coincidence of Coconut Cake,ย Luck, Love & Lemon Pie,ย The Simplicity of Cider, andย The Optimist’s Guide to Letting Go,ย and more.

Learn more about her here:

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