Molly Cusick is a former editor and agent, and works on Young Adult, Middle Grade, and picture book projects, as well as select adult fiction and nonfiction. Molly has represented and edited authors including Julie Murphy (#1 New York Times bestselling author of DUMPLIN’), Pat Zietlow Miller (New York Times bestselling picture book author of BE KIND), Julie Berry (Newbery Honor Award-winning and bestselling MG and YA author), and Nina Laurin (USA Today bestselling suspense author). She works with all genres, prioritizing humor, heart, and immersive worlds.
Meet with Molly
Meet face-to-face, from home. Choose Zoom, Google Meet, or phone, and speak for the appointed time about your query, first page, and/or first ten pages (for longer meetings). Does not include written notes, but is a chance to have an honest discussion about your work, and to ask follow-up questions. International meetings welcomed.