Julie Falatko, Author of Snappsy The Alligator (Did Not Ask To Be In This Book)

Julie Falatko writes books for children. She is the author of the picture books Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book) and Snappsy the Alligator and His Best Friend Forever (Probably), No Boring Stories!, The Great Indoors, the Two Dogs in a Trench Coat chapter book series, Rick the Rock of Room 214, and Chester Barkingham Saves the Country. Julie lives with her family in Maine, where she maintains the Little Free Library in front of their house.


Meet with Julie

Meet face-to-face, from home. Choose Zoom, Google Meet, or phone, and speak for the appointed time about your query, first page, and/or first ten pages (for longer meetings). Does not include written notes, but is a chance to have an honest discussion about your work, and to ask follow-up questions. International meetings welcomed.