Blair Thornburgh, Former Editor at Quirk Books, Current Independent Editor

Former Editor at Quirk Books, current independent, editor. I am always after intriguing, off-the-wall, geeky, smart, and/or lady-centric projects in both fiction and non-fiction. Genres: Fiction: Humor, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult. Non-Fiction: Cookbooks, Crafts/DIY, Humor, LGBTQ, Pop Culture, Science.

Meet with Blair

Meet face-to-face, from home. Choose Zoom, Google Meet, or phone, and speak for the appointed time about your query, first page, and/or first ten pages (for longer meetings). Does not include written notes, but is a chance to have an honest discussion about your work, and to ask follow-up questions. International meetings welcomed.

Book A Written Critique

Receive insightful notes on your pages–direct to your email. No need to schedule a time to be at a computer, or even deal with technology–all you have to do is keep yourself from hitting refresh. Your critique will arrive within 24 hours of the date selected on the calendar.