Caitlin McDonald, Donald Maass Literary Agency

Caitlin McDonald is an agent at Donald Maass Literary Agency and has worked in the industry since 2011. She represents award-winning adult and young adult speculative fiction, primarily science-fiction, fantasy, horror, and related subgenres. Caitlin looks for diversity in all projects, and is most drawn to unique, evocative narratives and cross-genre works, with an emphasis on high-impact stories that have something powerful to say.

Previously she trained in non-fiction under industry titan Celeste Fine, and has extensive experience crafting pitches and proposals for successful titles in the cooking, health, how-to, pop culture, and psychology spaces. Though she no longer seeks these projects for her own list, she enjoys the chance to share her knowledge and aid non-fiction authors via meetings at the Manuscript Academy.

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Member Reviews of Caitlin

Quick Fix for Manuscript Issues

I hired Caitlin for fifteen minutes to fix a problem after several agent rejections on the first ten pages. It was a problem I feared the pages had, but wasn’t sure how to fix them myself, and my beta-readers thought it all seemed fine. In just fifteen minutes, Caitlin was able to help me fix the problem, as well as fix a couple extra problems I hadn’t known about at all. I appreciated that it was not a session full of compliments–we got a lot done in that small amount of time. Money well spent. I believe it will probably save my future queries.

Darren McNaughton
Darren McNaughton

Caitlin was off-the-charts helpful.

Caitlin was off-the-charts helpful. I worked with her twice, and both times, she gave incisive, well-reasoned feedback that immediately resounded with me. Also, she offered me information about presses that handle literary sci fi (and gave me that term, which I hadn’t even known was a designation before). She was also very personable. I really enjoyed working with her.

Susmita Ramani

Real Feedback for Querying

I really enjoyed my conversation with Caitlin. Ten minutes is a long time to hold your breath or wait for an elevator, but it goes by in an instant when youíre doing a query pitch! That being said, we had a great talk and I left the conversation with some real tangible feedback I think I can apply to my future queries. One of the tough things about sending out queries is you often get a ‘no thank you’ but without really knowing what to fix or how. It’s great real feedback from an agent in the industry and I hope that I can take that feedback to start getting a ‘yes’ on my manuscript in the future.

Adam Lemcio

Saves Time with Query Guidance

My first page consultaion with Caitlin McDonald saved me a lot of time and frustration. The session was relaxed, although I started off incredibly nervous. I’ve had several critique groups and partners, but the understanding I gained from only ten minutes was well worth scheduling a time slot. No doubt, I’ll enlist the help of MSWL trained faculty to write all future queries and opening pages. What too me so long? Thank you, Julie and Jessica!

Karen Hallam

Provides Clear Plan for Query

My 10 minute query consultation with Caitlin was so helpful. I chose to meet with her because she likes fantasy and because I was impressed by her observations on the 10 Queries podcast. She was very prepared and shared her thoughts quickly and clearly. Her advice was concrete and I came away with a solid plan for strengthening my query. She managed the time very well; with my agreement she first shared her feedback and reserved 3 minutes at the end to answer my questions. Her tone was positive and encouraging. Highly recommend!

Miriam Diken

My consultations were wonderful! Caitlin was incredibly helpful and the answers she had to my questions assuaged many of my fears and worries. She explained her feedback and suggestions in a clear way that felt achievable. She was friendly and warm. It was a great experience that left me invigorated to revise. =)

Erin Swann
Erin Swann

I believe it will probably save my future queries

I hired Caitlin for fifteen minutes to fix a problem after several agent rejections on the first ten pages. It was a problem I feared the pages had, but wasn’t sure how to fix them myself, and my beta-readers thought it all seemed fine. In just fifteen minutes, Caitlin was able to help me fix the problem, as well as fix a couple extra problems I hadn’t known about at all. I appreciated that it was not a session full of compliments–we got a lot done in that small amount of time. Money well spent. I believe it will probably save my future queries.

Darren McNaughton
Darren McNaughton

Pinpointing What Needs Work

Caitlin was great! This was my second time using her for a consultation – once with my first page and then again with my query – and she’s been very helpful both times. She points right to the parts that need the most work, while also highlighting the best bits of each. I end up taking a ton of notes with her, as she is descriptive with her feedback, and it has already helped me a lot. I’d definitely recommend her for anyone needing help with their SFF manuscripts. Thanks Manuscript Academy!

Krista Martino

Clear Guidance on What Works

Caitlin rocked. She took me right to what worked and then to what didn’t work. Getting published isn’t just about having my name on a book, it’s about the experience of working with a genius editor who will guide you through improving your writing. Caitlin gave me a taste of what that’s like. Which is joyous. Alsoóand I’m STILL kind of coasting on thisóI secretly think I’d fit on the shelf next to a certain super famous author and Caitlin mentioned him in the first three minutes of the call and I almost died.

Bull Garlington
Bull Garlington

She delivered clear insights and specific suggestions

The query consult with Caitlin was a terrific experience.  She delivered clear insights and specific suggestions–and did so with kindness.  I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to receive her expert feedback.

Bud Jennings
Bud Jennings

Caitlin was incredibly insightful with her comments about the first 30 pages of my WIP. It was clear that she had carefully read the pages and had taken detailed notes. She read back several passages from my manuscript that she used to illustrate how I could make my writing more impactful. Her feedback was not only constructive, but she delievered it with kindness. She gave me several amazing ideas to make my worldbuilding stronger. I would highly recommend booking a consultation with Caitlin.

Sylvia Westphal
Sylvia Westphal

Detailed and Encouraging Query Critique

Caitlin’s critique of my query letter was excellent; she went into depth about what her thoughts were and how to improve each paragraph. She made sure my questions were answered in a calm, quick manner, and was very encouraging.

Madelene Waldron

Practical Query Letter Improvements

Very helpful query review. Many good ideas offered for improvement.
Thank you.

J. Curtis Dailey

Concrete Suggestions for Query Improvement

Caitlin was great! I did a ten minute query review with her, and she made the most of every minute. She told me exactly what was working and what could be improved, and even gave me concrete suggestions for making changes. Iím so happy I booked a consultation with herómy query is much improved!

Amy Strong

I am so glad I booked a query and first pages critique. Caitlin was lovely to talk to and her objective feedback somehow unlocked what I needed to do to improve my first pages. I have confidence now that my next round of querying will yield better results.

Cathryn deVries
Cathryn deVries

I feel well-positioned and excited to finally begin the query process.

I enjoyed a very instructive chat with Caitlin. She expressed enthusiasm in the project, and pointed out several ways I hadn’t thought of to strengthen my query and help it better express the scope of the work. I feel well-positioned and excited to finally begin the query process, and would definitely recommend Caitlin as a wonderful source of guidance.

Carolyn Swanson

Motivates with Clear, Constructive Feedback

Ms. McDonald’s constructive feedback inspired and motivated me. Her responses cut a clearer picture leading to a smoother path of transition for the first ten pages of my manuscript. Ms. McDonald’s evaluation filled in the gaps of my writing, and I feel more confident querying agents thanks to her enlightening comments. I wish she could read my edits based on her input! If you are considering booking an appointment, I suggest you stop contemplating and schedule! The time and money was well worth the outcome.

Sheila Bliss

Reveals Emotional Gaps in Story

The fifteen minutes I scheduled with Caitlin was incredibly illuminating. She helped me see that the emotional impact of my opening chapter wasn’t threaded through the subsequent chapters. Her comments triggered some ideas and thirty minutes after we ended our conversation, I had a plan for how to rewrite/revise my act one accordingly. Her insight was particularly helpful around character and character motivation and helped me see that there were some questions with my protagonist in the opening scene that weren’t fleshed out. I chose Caitlin because she reps some incredible authors, particularly some award-winning fantasy authors, and her expertise was money well-spent. I’ve queried before and had a mixed bag of results with very little personalized feedback. My meeting with Caitlin vastly improved my opening pages and act one and I’m so glad to not be entering querying completely blind.

Evelyn Freeling

Outstanding and Supportive Advisor

Caitlin is awesome. I’ve spoken to her twice now and her feedback is so on-point and specific, while always being kind and upbeat. She’s a terrific advisor and I bet she’d make an excellent agent, for anyone lucky enough to get her.

Jayme Inman
Jayme Inman

I am so glad I booked a query and first pages critique. Caitlin was lovely to talk to and her objective feedback somehow unlocked what I needed to do to improve my first pages. I have confidence now that my next round of querying will yield better results.

Cathryn deVries
Cathryn deVries

She took me right to what worked and then to what didn’t work.

Caitlin rocked. She took me right to what worked and then to what didn’t work. Getting published isn’t just about having my name on a book, it’s about the experience of working with a genius editor who will guide you through improving your writing. Caitlin gave me a taste of what that’s like. Which is joyous. Also—and I’m STILL kind of coasting on this—I secretly think I’d fit on the shelf next to a certain super famous author and Caitlin mentioned him in the first three minutes of the call and I almost died.

Bull Garlington
Bull Garlington

Feedback is so on-point and specific

Caitlin is awesome.  I’ve spoken to her twice now and her feedback is so on-point and specific, while always being kind and upbeat.  She’s a terrific advisor and I bet she’d make an excellent agent, for anyone lucky enough to get her.

Jayme Inman
Jayme Inman

This was phenomenal! I did a 10 page read with a 15 minute consultation with Caitlin McDonald, and I got so much absolutely amazing feedback. She clearly spent significant time reading the materials and preparing comments. She was incredibly prepared and fit more into the 15 minutes than I would have thought possible. She communicated the feedback and suggestions specifically to the work clearly and concisely. She gave overarching suggestions to improve, as well as very specific tips. I feel prepared to apply all of these suggestions to the work. I cannot put into words how helpful this was. She pointed out things that I never would have thought of, that I can fix in these pages, this book, and every future project. She answered all of my questions. I would absolutely recommend a consultation or critique for writers in every stage of the process. There will be something for everyone.

Ali B.

Guides Writers Toward Stronger Manuscripts

Iíve had two calls with Caitlin, an initial 10-page critique and, after significant revisions, a follow-up 30-minute/30-page critique. Caitlin provided great, actionable feedback that I can use to take my manuscript to the next level. This is true not just chapter by chapter, but in terms of achieving a goal of the manuscript (subverting romantic tropes in favor of feminist empowerment) without triggering readers’ assumptions too much or too early. Caitlin is a great guide on a sometimes-thorny path.

Stephanie Losi

I came away from our meeting eager to rethink not just the first ten pages but parts of the whole thing.

I enjoyed talking to Caitlyn. She was highly analytical and professional. Her reading was astute–she picked out inconsistencies and unclear spots in a piece of writing I have read at least 300 times. She helped me see the writing from the point of view of the reader, which is not always easy to do. She clearly really thought about the piece and packed in a lot in 15 minutes. I would of course love to work with her as I came away from our meeting eager to rethink not just the first ten pages but parts of the whole thing.

Elaine Ostry

I believe it will probably save my future queries

I hired Caitlin for fifteen minutes to fix a problem after several agent rejections on the first ten pages. It was a problem I feared the pages had, but wasn’t sure how to fix them myself, and my beta-readers thought it all seemed fine. In just fifteen minutes, Caitlin was able to help me fix the problem, as well as fix a couple extra problems I hadn’t known about at all. I appreciated that it was not a session full of compliments–we got a lot done in that small amount of time. Money well spent. I believe it will probably save my future queries.

Darren McNaughton

Clarifies Query and Genre Strategy

Ms. McDonald was extremely helpful and encouraging. In 10 minutes she addressed my main question about how to structure the query and provided insight on how she looks at genre/subgenre. These consultation sessions are an invaluable resource for any author planning to submit their work to agents.

Emily Packer

Constructive Feedback Enhances Writing

Caitlin had carefully read my ten pages and offered suggestions I could easily understand and incorporate without losing the integrity of my work. I found the session helpful and began editing after letting her directions settle. I have now rewritten the first chapter and feel it is improved. She was always courteous and on point.


What a wonderful session with Caitlyn! She gave me very specific advice on how to elevate my pitch and first 10 pages, as well as information about construction/organization that will help me with future queries. Highly recommended!

Cindy Brown
Cindy Brown

Delivers Honest and Direct Critique

Ms. McDonald provide very direct feedback on a difficult manuscript I’ve been working on. It was just the kick in the pants I needed change it. She didn’t pull lany punches, and she was very right to do so. I’m grateful for the honest criticism.

Jesse Lawrence

Specific and on-point feedback

Caitlin is awesome.  I’ve spoken to her twice now and her feedback is so on-point and specific, while always being kind and upbeat.  She’s a terrific advisor and I bet she’d make an excellent agent, for anyone lucky enough to get her.

Jayme Inman
Jayme Inman

Caitlin was very businesslike and professional. I immediately received actionable, useful advice. Her advice surprised me.
Here I had been trying to condense my synopsis, while I really wanted it to be more detailed. I thought I was doing a good job of keeping that section short. She suggested the synopsis could be more than one paragraph (I had no idea!) and that I could instead shorten my bio section to make room for the object of interest, the actual storyline. This now makes sense, but I would not have been able to see that without help.
I’m grateful for the course correction.

Holly Erskine
Holly Erskine

Focused and Concise Writing

We covered a great deal in only ten minutes. Caitlin had specific, very constructive ideas for sharpening my first page and left me time for questions. Thanks to everyone.

lowell buckner

I would definitely recommend this to any author

Caitlin’s feedback was incredibly valuable, and from the short conversation I can already see many opportunities to improve both my manuscript and my query letter. I would definitely recommend this to any author, especially those going the traditional publishing route.

Aaron Peters
Aaron Peters

Caitlin provided good feedback on my query, telling me what worked and what needed work. This helped me realize that sometimes one must sacrifice some important element of the story to make the query easier to digest, if there is not enough room for context that important element calls for.

Leonid Korogodski

I am excited to rework my query and think it will be stronger thanks to her advice

Caitlin was wonderful! She reviewed my query with me and gave me great insight into how to integrate “industry standard” pieces, such as comps. We also discussed how important specificity is in a query and she helped me identify places where my language was vague. She was a great manager of time, making sure to leave enough time for me to ask questions at the end after sharing her thoughts. I am excited to rework my query and think it will be stronger thanks to her advice.

Sarah McGowan
Sarah McGowan

Wonderful and Reassuring Experience

I cannot recommend using this service enough! Caitlin was so wonderful and helpful. I was nervous going into the session but was immediately at ease and it was a fabulous experience. I have already recommended this service to my writing group!

Ann Bryant

Caitlin was fantastic! Her session started and ended promptly, her passion for my manuscript and query showed, and she provided excellent feedback and ideas to address the issues she uncovered in the first ten pages. Thanks!

K. R. Raye

Guides Writers Through Complex Pitches

Caitlin was incredibly helpful. I was struggling with the best way to pitch a fantasy novel that was not told chronologically and she guided me through that process. She answered all my questions and made me feel very comfortable.

Lauren Fitzgerald

Delivers Organized and Encouraging Feedback

So, so helpful. I cannot sing Caitlin’s praises enough. Her feedback is thoughtful, encouraging, and actionable. For such a short session, she’s incredibly organized! Great time management, and leaves room for questions at the end. Loved her so much, I booked her a second time. Both times our session ended, I jumped straight into revising my query letter because I was so excited to get to work and make her suggested changes. I recommended her to my entire writing group and one of them has already used her and loved her as well.

Caroline Davis
Caroline Davis

Fantastic Follow-Up Chat Feedback

Caitlyn was so fantastic in this follow-up chat; I’d met with her several months ago and got to work on revising my query based her feedback. To have the opportunity to share the revised version with her–and then dig a little deeper still!–was just immensely helpful. Thank you!!

Trisha Muro
Trisha Muro

Pinpoints Where Agents Stop Reading

My meeting with Caitlin was extremely helpful. When you query you get so many vague responsesó it didnít grab me, not for me, etc. Caitlin told me the exact place in my first ten pages where she would decide to pass on the manuscript.

Now I have concrete feedback about what to leave out and what to add. My rewrite is much better, I think.

Kristana Arp

Clear, Kind, and Expert Guidance

The query consult with Caitlin was a terrific experience. She delivered clear insights and specific suggestions–and did so with kindness. I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to receive her expert feedback.

Bud Jennings
Bud Jennings

Suggestions I could easily understand and incorporate without losing the integrity of my work

Caitlin had carefully read my ten pages and offered suggestions I could easily understand and incorporate without losing the integrity of my work. I found the session helpful and began editing after letting her directions settle. I have now rewritten the first chapter and feel it is improved. She was always courteous and on point.

Arabella Ark

Kind and Professional Query Guidance

Caitlin was professional and kind. Her feedback on my query was insightful and helpful.

Kim Lemaire

Strengthens Query with Thoughtful Edits

Caitlin showed me several ways to make my letter much stronger. She was kind, thoughtful, and patient with all my questions. I really wish I had consulted with her months ago. I am in a much better place now going into the query process.

James Parsons

Caitlin’s critique was so, so insightful. Not only did her critiques help me see where my pages needed work, her review also helped instill the confidence I needed to finish my revision. Best money I’ve spent in a while.

Taylor Hartley

Encouraging and Helpful Feedback

I sent her what I called a practice query because I’m not done writing my novel. She loved the premise and gave me pointers on my query, how to make it better. She also directed me to a site that will help me write a synopsis when the time comes. Caitlin was friendly and very helpful.

Mona Mehas

Valuable Feedback for Authors

Caitlin’s feedback was incredibly valuable, and from the short conversation I can already see many opportunities to improve both my manuscript and my query letter. I would definitely recommend this to any author, especially those going the traditional publishing route.

Aaron Peters
Aaron Peters

Insightful YA Fantasy Feedback

Caitlin was equal parts encouraging and unvarnished feedback – and she packed a lot of insight and advice into 15 minutes. I’m grateful she approached my pages so thoughtfully when I know the end of the year had pretty much everyone running on fumes. I highly recommend her for anyone writing in the YA fantasy genre!

Emma Baker
Emma Baker

Mastering Industry Standards in Queries

Caitlin was wonderful! She reviewed my query with me and gave me great insight into how to integrate “industry standard” pieces, such as comps. We also discussed how important specificity is in a query and she helped me identify places where my language was vague. She was a great manager of time, making sure to leave enough time for me to ask questions at the end after sharing her thoughts. I am excited to rework my query and think it will be stronger thanks to her advice.

Sarah McGowan
Sarah McGowan

Clarifies Genre and Story Expectations

Caitlin was professional and polite. She gave feedback with several examples in the text which needed more action, more emotion. She covered structure and expectations for fantasy genre. It went by quickly but it was helpful to me as an amateur trying to break into the industry. I have a feeling I could have asked industry questions but my focus was all about the story. I am thankful for the service by The Manuscript Academy

Jennifer D

100% Recommend!

Caitlin was amazing. She had concrete, actionable feedback for my query letter. She explained why she made the suggestions she did, and her explanations made sense and 100% fit with my story and goals. 100% would recommend her to anyone needing feedback on their query letters.

Michelle Darnell

Caitlin came to our meeting prepared and ready to help with thoughtful critiques and specific suggestions to improve my first page. She addressed balancing details, cutting extraneous information, voice, and elevating the language. It was a huge help! She packed a lot in to a 10-minute meeting, and even left time for me to ask questions. I highly recommend seeking Caitlin’s counsel! She has a great eye for narrative writing, with a kind and supportive approach.

Rachel Williams

She also answered my questions concisely and honestly

Ms. McDonald was amazing. She had a lot of insight on my first page, not only because she gave me suggestions but also WHY she felt those suggestions were necessary in order to help build a stronger hook. She also answered my questions concisely and honestly, which I appreciated.

Heather Cardona

Caitlin was more than instrumental with helping me see where my book is. She spotted exactly what is “wrong” with the execution of my novel–the writing felt more like a screenplay. And with my years of working and studying the art of scriptwriting… that REALLY hit home. In the two days since our zoom meeting, I’ve gone back to my novel with a new set of eyes thanks to Caitlin. In short, it was one of those life/career-changing meetings, where someone told me exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you, Manuscript Academy for letting us writers reach out directly to editors and agents. As for me, if Caitlin had not said what she said, I’d still ne banging my head against the wall and wondering why no fish are biting. I am sure she has saved me years of frustration.

Xavier Clayton

Caitlin McDonald was tremendously helpful in our critique session.

I impressed by the amount of ground we managed to cover in just fifteen minutes. Her insights were thoughtful, pointed and focussed on helping me create a great cover letter and sample.

Recommended, especially if you’ve got an SFF manuscript to pitch!

Mark Rayner

Refining Style and Identifying Issues

This session was extremely helpful. I am able to pinpoint my style a bit more and know what the main issues are that need to be resolved before querying.

Kaitlynn McShea
Kaitlynn McShea

Clarifying Key Query Letter Focus

Caitlin did a written critique of my query letter and then I followed up with a 10 minute meeting with her to review my re-write. Both experiences were very beneficial and encouraging. I have been struggling with understanding what topics from my novel that I should emphasize in my query letter and Caitlin’s comments provided the final key to knowing what to focus on.

David VanderVeen
David VanderVeen

She Never Disappoints

I’ve used Caitlin for two other novels and she never disappoints. This was the opening page of my third novel, and she gave me some great advice on how not to distract the reader with too much information, or in this case, the wrong information for the very beginning. She is endlessly smart about these things, extremely helpful and a very pleasant person to talk to.

David Wildman

Extremely helpful

This session was extremely helpful. I am able to pinpoint my style a bit more and know what the main issues are that need to be resolved before querying.

Kaitlynn McShea
Kaitlynn McShea

Her feedback is thoughtful, encouraging, and actionable.

So, so helpful. I cannot sing Caitlin’s praises enough. Her feedback is thoughtful, encouraging, and actionable. For such a short session, she’s incredibly organized! Great time management, and leaves room for questions at the end. Loved her so much, I booked her a second time. Both times our session ended, I jumped straight into revising my query letter because I was so excited to get to work and make her suggested changes. I recommended her to my entire writing group and one of them has already used her and loved her as well.

Caroline Davis
Caroline Davis

Work with Caitlin

LIVE Meetings: Meet face-to-face, from home. Choose Zoom, Google Meet, or phone, and speak for the appointed time about your query, first page, and/or first ten pages (for longer meetings). Does not include written notes, but is a chance to have an honest discussion about your work, and to ask follow-up questions. International meetings welcomed.

HYBRID is a live meeting at the appointment time, with written notes.

WRITTEN Critiques: Get detailed, thoughtful notes on your work. Comes with large-scale edits (character, world, plot, tension, concept, conflict, and similar as needed) in an editorial letter and small-scale, line-by-line notes as needed (for longer critiques, an average of three per page). Work arrives in your inbox within 24 hours of thedate on the calendar.