Fiction: Action/Adventure, Children’s, Commercial, Crime, Family Saga, Fantasy, General, Historical, Horror, Humor, LGBTQ, Literary, Middle Grade, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller, Women’s Fiction, Young Adult
Non-Fiction: Cookbooks, Crafts/DIY, Humor, Journalism, LGBTQ, Memoir, Pop Culture, Psychology, Science, Sports, Travel, True Crime
My list is diverse and I love it that way. I represent almost all types of fiction and nonfiction, as well as young adult and middle grade. For nonfiction I am searching for books that look at the world in a new, unusual way, or that give me insight into a topic that I may not be familiar with. For fiction, regardless of whether it’s literary, upmarket book club fiction, romance, epic fantasy, science fiction, cozy mysteries, thrillers, ya or middle grade, I am looking for a narrative voice that resonates with me. Books that particularly make me sit up and take notice these days are:
- Upmarket fiction (i.e., bookclub fiction) that have a twist or shed light on an intriguing issue
- Novels that explore cultural heritage
- YA, Adult or Narrative Nonfiction that deal with the Opioid Epidemic
- YA or Adult Novels that are based on a true story from the 20th century
- Epic fantasy, especially one set in a non-Western culture, military sf or space opera
- Magical realism for the adult, YA or MG market.
- Young adult and middle grade novels that feature diverse protagonists
- Nonfiction for middle grade or young adult audiences
- Any novel with great characters and a compelling storyline
- Unique nonfiction
All that being said, I’m really just looking for projects that I fall in love with and since I can’t always predict what that is going to be, definitely feel free to reach out to me regardless!
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