📚Live Class: How To Be Your Own Best Marketer Whether Querying, Agented or Ready To Launch

“Promoting your book isn’t about making noise—it’s about making a difference for readers who need your story.”

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Your comps aren’t competition—they’re proof that your book belongs in the market. Use them to your advantage.

Authors, I see this all the time.

You’ve got the book, you’ve got the talent, but then fear creeps in.

Self-doubt, fear of being “too much,” and that feeling of not wanting to promote yourself like you’re some kind of egomaniac.

Here’s the thing—none of that is true, and it’s stopping you from reaching your full potential.

Let’s be real—self-promotion feels weird for most authors.

But it’s a necessary step if you want your book to succeed.

That fear you’re feeling? Totally normal, but it’s also totally holding you back. 😬  

Your book is more than a project—it’s your legacy. Promote it with the care and confidence it deserves.

It’s time to stop playing small and start taking yourself—and your book—seriously.

Publishers and readers are looking for confident authors who know their worth.

And that’s what this event is all about.

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