Anne Elliott, Author and Speaker

Anne Elliott is the author of The Artstars: Stories.

Her fiction can also be found in A Public Space, STORY, Crab Orchard Review, Ploughshares Solos, Witness, Hobart, Bellevue Literary Review, and others.

Honors include the Blue Light Books Prize, the Story Foundation Prize, and fellowships from The Elizabeth George Foundation, the Table 4 Writer’s Foundation, and Vermont Studio Center.

Her craft essays appear in TriQuarterly, CRAFT Literary, and The Writer’s Chronicle.

Elliott has an MFA in fiction writing from Warren Wilson College, and an MFA in visual art from UC San Diego. She lives in Maine, where she teaches fiction writing online for A Public Space and Harvard Extension School. Learn more at


Member Reviews of Anne

Hi, Jessica and Julie.

This was my second consultation with Anne, and all the reasons I wanted to meet her again after the first meeting were only magnified the second time. Anne is an absolutely brilliant editor. I’d sent her several flash pieces in one document, and I told her that because I was doing that–rather than sending one longer piece–I didn’t expect an in-depth review of each. But that’s just what I got. (I had suggested she choose a couple of the strongest and discuss those.) And on top of her individual reviews, she gave me great insights into what she saw, in general, when reading the group. I gotta say: I just love this woman. She is so wise and so generous. Each consultation was a gift, and I will be back for more.

Thanks so much!


Bud Jennings
Bud Jennings

Incredibly helpful and encouraging

My consultation with Anne Elliott was awesome! When I finished writing my first short story about a month ago, I wasn’t sure what the next step should be. I considered having a consultation with a Manuscript Academy faculty member, but when I read their bio’s, there didn’t seem to be anyone specializing in short stories. And then I came across Anne’s “Finding a Home for Your Short Story” talk, which was super informative. And when I saw that she was offering individual consultations, I couldn’t believe my good luck. Our Zoom call and her follow-up email were incredibly helpful and encouraging. She was also just really personable and fun to talk to. I’m much more knowledgeable about writing and publishing short stories now. Thanks so much for bringing Anne into The Manuscript Academy’s family.

Mary Sprague

Work with Anne

LIVE Meetings: Meet face-to-face, from home. Choose Zoom, Google Meet, or phone, and speak for the appointed time about your query, first page, and/or first ten pages (for longer meetings). Does not include written notes, but is a chance to have an honest discussion about your work, and to ask follow-up questions. International meetings welcomed.

HYBRID is a live meeting at the appointment time, with written notes.

WRITTEN Critiques: Get detailed, thoughtful notes on your work. Comes with large-scale edits (character, world, plot, tension, concept, conflict, and similar as needed) in an editorial letter and small-scale, line-by-line notes as needed (for longer critiques, an average of three per page). Work arrives in your inbox within 24 hours of thedate on the calendar.